Thursday, January 12, 2012

Picking Up the Pace

In 2010 the world was introduced to the "Hellion Rider". A story about a anti hero that has complex emotions that affects his power, and it's also one of the world most lethal weapons.  The story take place in a post apocalyptic world several hundred years in the future.  The world had been drastically change due to an over population, war and in the end the planet simply having incredible natural disasters that almost wiped out the entire human race.  In this world, the  majority of the remaining humans lived in a large camp fortress while other chose the live of as outlaws.  Our main Character V, has unfortunately become part of a horrific secret that has hunted the rulers of the new world, and can threaten their power on the population.  Together with his close friend Lu and the demon posses "Hellion" motorcycle, they will fight against the oppressing powers hunting him and try not to destroy him self and the planet in the process.
Inspiration of the Hellion Rider:
Back in 2008 in met up with an old acquaintance at work I haven't seen since we where teenager working at Sea World Orlando.  Immediately we became great friends and always hung out together all the time.  At work, we had about seven guys with the same first name as my friend, so I simply called him "V" for Vazquez.  Working in the graphics department, there were always silly shenanigans going on.  He became such a great and fun part of my life in a time that I didn't have much happening for me except for working my self to sleep every night.  Great times... great times... yeap.

Around that moment I was working for Razor Blade Apple as a graphic novel artist for Leviathans, and was getting back into comic books after almost ten years.  I immediately realized there weren't many great Hispanic characters in the comic book world.  If there were, they were normally portrayed as thugs, mobsters, sexy Latin ladies, drug dealers, drunks, but no epic heroes. I mean.. who can forget such memorable characters such as Rictor from X-Men (2nd -3rd banana in the series), Zorro (he was thief), the new Blue Beetle (he's kind of a dumb ass), El Dorado (cool), Aztek (kid of cool), sun spot (Afro Brazilian kind of Hispanic), to name a few of the moderate memorable good heroes.  You laugh but most people have never heard of some of these characters, hell... I had my husband Google some up just to make this list a little longer. Anyway... you get the point.  With such forgettable list of characters, you will see that it would be even harder to find a Puertorican super hero. 

This gave me an idea.   Why no make A PUERTORICAN super hero that didn't suck.  And so the Hellion Rider was born.  A sexy male anti hero, a based on an handsomely enhances version of my friend that came with a six pack, ultra powers, and a bad ass motorcycle. While some people joke and say is a Spanish version of Ghost Rider, I simply say is just my own little piece of imagination land.

The first release of the Hellion Rider (HR #1) was earlier 2010.  The book was entirely written, laid out, drawn, cleaned, colored by me.  I had help from my friend Carlos Mangual on the lettering. At that point I had stared at the book for long I needed help finishing it out. All in all the book looked amazing and is the first out of 6 books.  

Since then...
Just like most people life gets in the way.  Since then I went back to school for my MBA and finished, got married, worked on two book covers (Choose your doom, Zombie Apocalypse, and Eurotrash and the adventures of the Cappuccino Kings), worked as a Storyboard artist for Kiteflyers Studios ("The Bedford Devil), and currently retraining my self in code for apps since the work in illustration has dried out in the past few years.  So far very busy but as left the story of the Hellion Rider unfinished.

My main goal for this year is to finished HR #2 and start on #3.  The second book is fully drawn and I've been stuck in the coloring stage due to lack of time.  I have 7 out of 22 pages done, and the cover is also done. All an all is one of my top priorities of the year. So bring it. 2012.

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