Thursday, November 28, 2013

Started on Hellion Rider #4

First I want to wish everybody a happy holiday. Finally got started on working on Hellion Rider #4.  Here are a few screen shoots of the new book. Currently I have the Cover done and page 1- 3 fully pencilled. I'm happy with the progress. Now today is turkey day. So I'm going to bundel up try to sketch some more. Happy Turkey Coma Day!!!
Hellion Rider #4 Page 2

Hellion Rider #4 Pages 1-3

Sunday, November 17, 2013

Thursday, November 14, 2013

HR Book #3 is fully colored

It's been a few weeks but  finally got it finished. HR book 3 is now fully colored. It is time to start leterring. For tonight I need a break, for now rest. I'll be starting on HR #4 next week for pencils. 

Saturday, November 2, 2013

Getting back in the grove after the move

Hey guys 

Sorry I took a break for a month from updating the blog but it's been a doozie.  The weekend the we moved my father passed away and it's just been a never ending hell trying to help my mother. But it's coming a long. As for the comic book its moving but at a slower rate.  The apartment is still a mess since my husband stuff is overwhelming every where and I have a hard time dealing with clutter.  In fact I simply have a harder time concentrating on in clutter.  Always been like that. 

But things are getting back in the grove and I'm now working on page 15 out of 22.  Slow restart but moving a long. As for now Mythbusters is keeping me company on Netflix as I work.